It’s free to come in here but it’ll cost you two hundred dollars to leave. The creature described by the witness may seem different now but it’s the same one you saw last week and the one your mother’s cousin saw in the mid 80s. A million dollar offer from a stranger seated at a table placed on sacred ground will be met only with a warm smile and a polite shake of the head. The ones sure they are in heaven have never visited hell to know that the dogs of Eden run free.

-Dogs of Eden, by Brock Oakley Ailes


Stone House Art Gallery is pleased to present its twelfth and final exhibition of 2021, Dogs of Eden, a collection of new works by Brock Oakley Ailes. In his latest project, Ailes combines light and sound installations with sculptures and photographs to support an ongoing investigation of the modern working class. The works ranging from found-object sculpture to deep fried family photos are heavily coded in Midwestern family folklore and urban legend. In Dogs of Eden, the means of survival and over-consumption co-exist to form simulations of the American Dream in the visual language born from necessity.

Dogs of Eden is on view at SHAG by appointment only through January 14, 2022. A closing reception will be held at SHAG with exact time and date to be announced at a later date.